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A Guide to Completing the Tools of the Trade Quest in Skull and Bones
In the vast and treacherous waters of Skull and Bones, every pirate knows the importance of quality tools. From crafting to harvesting, having the right equipment can make all the difference between success and failure. When you finally dock at Sainte-Anne, you’re faced with the task of building a new ship to bolster your reputation in the pirate community. To achieve this, you’ll need the assistance of Zayn, the Shipwright, and a set of essential tools Skull and Bones Items. Here’s your comprehensive guide on completing the Tools of the Trade quest in Skull and Bones.
Meeting Zayn: Setting the Stage
Upon your arrival at Sainte-Anne, your first port of call should be Zayn, the Shipwright. He’s the key to unlocking your journey towards building a formidable vessel. Zayn will emphasize the importance of quality materials to forge top-notch tools, benefiting both your reputation and his own. Fortunately, if you’ve been diligent in your scavenging endeavors, you might already possess the necessary materials to kick-start this mission.
Locating the Carpenter: Where Craftsmanship Begins
To initiate the Tools of the Trade quest, you’ll need to locate the carpenter. Positioned conveniently near the Shipwright, just before the connecting bridge, the carpenter awaits to assist you in crafting essential tools vital for your maritime exploits.
Crafting the Pickaxe: Forging Your Path
The pickaxe is a crucial tool for harvesting metal ore from deposits, essential for crafting endeavors. Crafting this tool requires a combination of materials that might already be in your possession:
2 Torn Sails
1 Broken Plank
With these materials secured, invest 20 silver to craft the pickaxe and unlock a vital aspect of your pirate toolkit.
Crafting the Saw: Timber for the Taking
Next on your crafting agenda is the saw, indispensable for harvesting wood from trees. This resource is pivotal for crafting and maintaining your vessel. To craft the saw, gather the following materials:
1 Metal Salvage
2 Torn Sails
Invest 20 silver to fashion the saw and ensure a steady supply of timber for your endeavors.
Crafting the Sickle: Reaping the Rewards
Completing your arsenal of tools is the sickle, utilized for harvesting fiber from plants. This versatile resource finds applications across various crafting endeavors. Gather the following materials to craft the sickle:
1 Scavenged Wood
1 Rusty Nail
Invest 20 silver to craft the sickle and expand your harvesting capabilities.
Obtaining Materials: Scavenger’s Delight
While most materials required for crafting can be obtained through previous missions, should you find yourself lacking, various avenues are available. You can either purchase the materials or venture out into the open waters, looting crates found adrift. Adaptability and resourcefulness are key traits of a successful pirate.
Harvesting Acacia: Navigating the Perils
With your tools crafted, the next task is to harvest Acacia for the Shipwright. Acacia serves as a vital component in the construction of your new ship. However, acquiring it isn’t without its challenges. Sail northeast from Sainte-Anne, navigating through narrow passages between islands. Beware of lurking dangers, including crocodiles infesting these waters. Timing is crucial as you wield your saw to extract 8 pieces of Acacia, essential for your ship’s construction.
Completing the Quest: Rewards Await
Deliver the harvested Acacia to the Shipwright to fulfill your part of the bargain. In return, expect a gratifying reward, including silver and various other resources. With the transaction complete, Zayn will commence crafting your new ship, marking a significant milestone in your pirate odyssey.
In Skull and Bones, mastering the art of crafting and harvesting is paramount to your success as a pirate captain. By completing the Tools of the Trade quest, you not only bolster your reputation but also equip yourself with essential skills and resources skull and bones boosting service and for the challenges that lie ahead. So, set sail, hone your craftsmanship, and let the winds of fortune guide you to glory on the high seas.